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Friday, December 31, 2021

December 2021

 We are officially in Christmas mode here in Oklahoma.

It will be here before you know it.  I'm so glad that a lot of my shopping can be done online and I don't have to try and find a certain item in the store.  Seems the supply issue is still just that, an issue! 

We have had some beautiful Oklahoma sunsets and I have been able to take some pictures of them.  The weather has been up and down since we got back.  I would love for it to stay warm, but I know its not going to.  

The Christmas cactus is blooming like crazy.  I think it was happy for me to be home and water it. When we leave the end of this month it will be on its own until May.  Seems to survive and be happy, so I guess it likes its accommodations

Another one of my succulent cacti has been growing very well.  I think they enjoy my neglect!  

December 13th I received a FEDEX delivery that I had been expecting.  I was so excited to get it.  I had bought Chuck a new Apple watch for Christmas.  I open the box, and to my surprise, there were several boxes in the main box.  Boxes and no watch.  It looks like someone had opened the box, retaped it, and sent it on its delivery way.  I was in shock. 

 I got on the phone immediately to notify Target of what I received.  I was told that they would look into the shipment and let me know something in 7 days.  WHAT!!! Did I hear this correctly?  I called them again and was told the same thing.  I questioned them a little further, and still the answer was that I would hear from them in 7 days.  This rocked on for another few days and I decided it was getting way too close for Christmas, so I went ahead and ordered a watch thru Amazon.  I received it the next day.  I proceeded to call Target and ask again if I would receive another watch or would I get my money back.  Still the same answer.  This was just the most strange thing I have ever been involved in when it comes to a missing item.  I get that they have to do some research on their end, but at least let me know if I would get a replacement or money refunded.  I finally just said to heck with worrying about it but I can assure you on the 7th day I will be in contact with them.  Fast forward to the 7th day, and I had decided to just wait and contact them on the 8th day.  I am happy to report that I had a notification that money would be coming back to my account on that very day.  Why couldn't someone have told me that it would be rectified this way? I feel I have learned a lesson and will be ordering from Amazon as I know how they handle problems.  I'm glad I went ahead and ordered another one when I did as if I had waited on Target I would have been empty handed for Christmas.  

Christmas Eve is here and the weather is absolutely beautiful.

We loaded up the sleigh and make our way to the kids house.  

They have been quite busy finishing up their house.  After the hail storm and their pool being built, their home has been in quite a mess.  I think it is all coming together.  Today they are actually putting water in the pool, so the end is nearing.  

They also had a circle drive put in the front of the house.  All very good improvements.  The planning for more parking space is great since they do have kids that will be driving before you know it.  

The evening was spent outside in the backyard.  The weather really was great and we all enjoyed the time outside. 

The time has come to eat so we go inside and do just that.  Wow I have missed these get togethers!  I know the kids are ready to dig into the presents that seem to have taken over the living room.  

I always make up a box for the kids that have their PJ's for the night and some candy and lots of miscellaneous things.  I always enjoy doing this.  With all the shortages due to Covid, I found some PJ bottoms earlier in the season in Yuma.  They didn't have a lot to choose from in the kids department so I went to the teens area and just picked up a couple of pair of extra small bottoms.  Well, let me tell you I won't make that mistake again.  We all got a good laugh when the kids came down stairs with theirs on.

  Guess I should have washed and dried them on a really hot setting.  Cash made the best of his very long PJ's.  Coopers weren't quite as bad.  

Oh well, it is the thought that counts, right!! 

What a wonderful evening we had.  I know mother and Louie enjoyed it as well, but I also know they were very tired.  We say our goodbyes and make our way back to our homes.  

We spent Christmas day packing up the last minute things in the RV.  It was so great to be here, but I am super excited to get back to Yuma and enjoy our home away from home.  We are bringing a vehicle back to Yuma for our friends, Marcy and Clayton.  Should be a piece of cake.  

 Chuck was able to get his new extension cord reel holder assembled and installed.  I think this will be really handy for him. 

The weather heading west doesn't look like its going to be fun at all.  The winds are supposed to be howling.  They look like we will be going almost straight into them.  Diana, Chris and their two furry kids are going to follow us to Yuma.  The wind didn't disappoint.  It was a slow and steady drive, but we made it to our first stop.  We boondocked outside of Vaughn, NM and rode out the winds that blew through the night.  

Diana is quite worried about Abby.  She isn't doing very well.  She can't seem to stand up and just all in all not doing well.  We have talked back and forth all day.  Diana has gone so far as to see if she can find a vet along the way to take her to and see what they think.  Since Abby is living on borrowed time as she is a "senior" dog, things aren't looking very good.  

When we stop for the night we went to their rig and sat and talked about Abby.  After looking at how she was acting, we discussed "old dog vestibular syndrome".   They knew about it as their son had a dog that had it.  We knew about it as our Westie, Minnie, had it.  All they could do is make Abby comfortable and help her in and out of their rig and just wait to see if it clears up.  

December 28th wasn't much change for Abby.  She was still unable to stand upright.  We continued our drive and I would love to say it was without wind, but alas it wasn't.  We had wind once again! At one point I look at our route on one of the weather apps I use, and it looks like we are parting the sea.  Seems we are riding right down the middle of an area that is buffering the wind.  I know this won't last long but it is sure nice.  

 Poor Diana is still looking for a vet to see Abby, and has not had any luck finding anyone.  We continue our drive and hope for the best with Abby.  It really is the only thing we can do!  

Wendy and Michele (our friends in Yuma) had told us about a great place to get a burger along our route.  We decided to stop in the little town of San Antonio, NM and try out the "world famous" green chili burger.  The restaurant is the  The Original Owl Bar & Cafe

 We actually were able park our rigs right across the street from the cafe.  

Of course we were there at 9:30am New Mexico time.  Our stomachs said it was more like 10:30 -11:00 and it was time to eat some food.  

Chris opted for breakfast, but Diana, Chuck and I had to try what they are famous for.  Our food came out right at 10;00 New Mexico time, so we felt like it was a perfect time for lunch.  Chris wasn't impressed with his breakfast.  We on the other hand enjoyed our green chili burger.  I'm so glad we took the advise of Wendy and Michele and made this little stop.  

Stomachs are full and ready to make some miles, we head toward Hatch, NM.  As we drive through the small town, we get behind another RVer that probably shouldn't even be on the road.  The very old rig is having some roof issues, and the winds are not being kind to it.  We finally get to the passing lane and pass it.  I was so glad to get around the poor rig as I wasn't sure if the roof was going to fly off and hit us.  We actually got a video of it going down the road but I am not sure if it will show on here.  So you will just have to see a still shot.  

We stop for the night just outside of Bisby, AZ.  There is no change in Abby.

We had dinner over at their rig tonight.  Diana had fixed a nice salad with chicken.  After dinner we walked over to the McDonalds that was very near by and had a hot fudge sundae. We discussed getting breakfast in the morning before we head out for our final day on the road.  

Abby tried so hard to be her bouncy self, but we attempted to just keep her quiet and still.  So glad she has made it this far and I hope she is going to be ok.  So sad to see our furry friends reach their senior years and go down so quickly.  

Breakfast went as planned and we were on the road before you know it.  We should be in Yuma by noon.  Looking forward to being there!  Abby had a restful night so we are hoping she is feeling better.

It was nice to be back in Yuma.  We made it here by noon so we get everything in order and relax.

To celebrate us being back we had a nice fire to warm the cool night air.


December 31st we are right in the middle of a rain storm.  Although it doesn't ever rain a lot here in Yuma, it sure seems that we can bring it with us.  The weather is pretty brisk today, but by the evening it has dried up nicely and we are enjoying another fire on the patio.  

Diana's update on Abby is that she seems to be a little better.  This is wonderful news!  That girl has used up several of her lives during this trip out here.  We sure hope she continues doing well and can make the trip back to Oklahoma.  Diana says they will take a look at her when they go back and see what to do at that point.  

Here we are on New Years Eve and we are not having the scheduled but cancelled party.  I had plans to have it at our place but the new variant of COVID has hit our little community in Yuma pretty hard.  We have several friends down with it, and it was just a no brainer to cancel the party.  We will have another party when things calm down.  

This is the last post for the year 2021.  It has been a mixed bag of highs and lows, but I am so happy we have all been able to survive this year.  We are all pretty darn healthy and we really do want to keep it that way.  

The blog seems to be getting harder and harder for me to write and keep up the way I think I should. I am really thinking of stopping.  Its been 10 years of writing about our life and adventures, and although we have many more adventures left in us, I think I am going to wind down and stop.  I truly enjoy doing it, but it just seems to be a "job" that I am kind of tired of doing.  I guess if you see that I have written another month, this is all just hearsay!  

Happy New Years to all my wonderful family and friends.  Lets hope 2022 is a great year!  

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